Wednesday, September 12, 2007


And suddenly it popped in my head that I had written a poem way back in college....just gave my freind a buzz and she was kind enough to type the entire damn thing out for me and send it here goes

Ode to my group

Maddy she’s the friendliest one,
She always thinks she weighs a tonne,
But as I see, I’m sure you’ll agree,
You’ll fall in love with her inner beauty.

Adi’s head is full of matter,
And it seems to me its growing fatter,
I’ll tell you one thing, I do not lie,
When it comes to girls he’s never shy.

Avani she’s our intellectual,
Fighting with her ineffectual,
An argument she always has to win,
Even when it comes to whether she’s thin

Raghav he’s our very own stud,
When it comes to friends, he’s a real good bud.
Ask him for help, he’ll never turn away,
Ask Megha, she’ll tell you about that day.

Soumya, she’s full of nuts,
To have a boyfriend, does she have guts,
She works out everyday in a gym
Someone please tell her she is already real slim.

Sampy, she’s really picky about her dress,
She walks the walk and good God even plays chess,
She’s got a fan club the size of a state,
Whose population grows at an increasing rate.

Namitha, she’s got the sexy eyes,
One look at them and how time flies,
Music may make your body sway,
But her dancing takes your breath away.

Sindhu she’s our biggest brain,
To lose a mark is her biggest pain,
I wonder who’s the lucky guy
Who’s gonna be her "ghar jamai"

Shubha with her group of three,
What they do is a mystery,
She’s real sweet but be wary,
Take her lunch and she’s real scary.

Rosh the dude, he’s the poet,
But forsooth, he does know it,
He’s a gross one, but I’ll guarantee,
This poem will make you laugh for eternity.

A thousand apologies,whose names I didn’t mention
To Pooja, Papia and even Sachin,
To find some rhymes I’m straining now,
So this is where I take my bow.

And now this picture that I have painted,
It’s description not in one way tainted,
And when we finally part our ways,
This poem I am sure is here to stay!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

a cup o' schisms

hmmm...just wondering about the way everything in life works.....sometimes everything seems to work in perfect harmony with eah other and to others the same looks like utter take spirit it is meant to bring people together to harmonize but in reality it divides bringing about utter chaos.....well not exactly thinkin about startin a religion or anything....but something I have noticed about these 'religions' that each have a phrases that have deep and profound meanings meant to mystify some people and absolutely confuse others...... i call them schisms....
well here are a few of ma own... profound or confusing u decide!!!!!

1) U see a glass half full u fill the other half yourself....(mystified yet .... :-)
2) Ashes to ashes ,dust to dust , we cant live forever but we do what me must....

Monday, March 26, 2007


how does one love ,
how does one hate,
to walk in the garden of heaven,
or open hell's gate

god made us different one and all,
with love we rise,
with hate we fall

happiness in life is what you need,
happiness in strife is what you want,
in either case it doesnt matter,
you create your own.

can u live without hurt nor pain a soul
but keep yours intact as a new born foal,
indeed to protect your own you strike out at others,
and then pretend to call them our very brothers.

you try to heal every soul you meet,
but what if you crush their very feet,
you ask yourself that question every time in the dark,
is this what i am or is it a mask.

can i blame it on him,
for making us different,
or blame it on you,
for makin me repent

it's the love they say,
makes the world go round,
but even that my love,
is time bound.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Myth

We will all live our lives,
We will all understand,
This concept of love is a distant land,

We fight and we strive
for a life of our own
Little do we know
That we live on a loan

The air that we breathe,
the water that we drink,
what do we live for
why do we think

And this mobius strip of thought,
will keep our minds busy,
till our lives have been bought,
by the devil or god we have no clue,
but what makes you so sure that either is true.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Just a hello

Hey ppl,
just trying out somethin my friend recommended to do when u r absolutely jobless.....and for those you who are wondering....yes...that is exactly how i came up with the url name.......anyways apparently this space is all about me....what i do ...when i do ,why i do and how i do it....for those of you who care to read about it...well hats off to u!!
oh yeah and pls dont get carried away by the do not have suicidal tendencies....yes u can put the phone down now......thank u.... :-).....from here on follows a series of stuff that i believe is unique only to me....atleast thats what i am made to believe.....from mebbe a 2 billion ppl in the world right now and several billion who have come and gone.....this is...uhhh....unique only to me......hmmm.......i :-)....ciao for now