Tuesday, May 29, 2007

a cup o' schisms

hmmm...just wondering about the way everything in life works.....sometimes everything seems to work in perfect harmony with eah other and to others the same looks like utter chaos...like take religion....by spirit it is meant to bring people together to harmonize but in reality it divides bringing about utter chaos.....well not exactly thinkin about startin a religion or anything....but something I have noticed about these 'religions' that each have a phrases that have deep and profound meanings meant to mystify some people and absolutely confuse others...... i call them schisms....
well here are a few of ma own... profound or confusing u decide!!!!!

1) U see a glass half full u fill the other half yourself....(mystified yet .... :-)
2) Ashes to ashes ,dust to dust , we cant live forever but we do what me must....

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