Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Myth

We will all live our lives,
We will all understand,
This concept of love is a distant land,

We fight and we strive
for a life of our own
Little do we know
That we live on a loan

The air that we breathe,
the water that we drink,
what do we live for
why do we think

And this mobius strip of thought,
will keep our minds busy,
till our lives have been bought,
by the devil or god we have no clue,
but what makes you so sure that either is true.


'Seen Around' said...

dude, the myth is a good start..but ur title is scary...hmmm...n remember blogs r not only for time-pass and not only for thoughts in which u believe in...its just abt wat u can write about..u can even write abt being a gangster if u want,lol;)

Pavi !! :) said...

pavi66Oh my god... scary title... wht was running in ur mind when u strd the blog ??? hmmm rosh... ;)
Anyways bout "The Myth"... kinda different and kinda scary again....first time have i read somethin tht compares our lives to a "Loan"...grt !!! keep it goin dudeeeeeeee !!!!
Yeah now u take us to Fuga for this "Nice" comment of mine !!! ;)
-- Pavi