Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Just a hello

Hey ppl,
just trying out somethin my friend recommended to do when u r absolutely jobless.....and for those you who are wondering....yes...that is exactly how i came up with the url name.......anyways apparently this space is all about me....what i do ...when i do ,why i do and how i do it....for those of you who care to read about it...well hats off to u!!...lol.....
oh yeah and pls dont get carried away by the title.....no...i do not have suicidal tendencies....yes u can put the phone down now......thank u.... :-).....from here on follows a series of stuff that i believe is unique only to me....atleast thats what i am made to believe.....from mebbe a 2 billion ppl in the world right now and several billion who have come and gone.....this is...uhhh....unique only to me......hmmm.......i guess....lol... :-)....ciao for now

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